Colors and hues add life to your living spaces. Can you think of your home without colors? Colors define the character of living spaces and influence the personalities of the people living in those spaces. Right colors that reflect your personality and interests make your living space more lively and comforting.
We do not consciously think about the colors and their effects on us, but we like those colors which gel with our personality. The color of our room influences our mood and thoughts. Attributes like age, gender, ethnic background and climate also influence our color choices.
Color is one of the most significant aspects of design considerations in interior design. While different colors have a similar effect on most people; it varies based on the shades or tones used. The selected colors should create harmony between the design and the people living in a living space. Colors, not only have the power to change the shape and size of furnishings but the shape and size of the room itself.

Each color can influence people and their psychology. Black is the ideal color to highlight certain things in a room. Yellow imparts brightness and optimism to your home. Yellow makes items stand out. The red color in a room increases the level of passion. Red, like orange, is known to increase appetite and is widely used in kitchens. Pink creates a fresh atmosphere in the house. As per the interior design principles, the pink color provides a soothing and comforting effect. It also adds a feminine touch to the interiors. Blue has a lowering effect on blood pressure and heart rate. A very light shade of blue used in interior space enlarges the room. You can use blue to cool a room with a lot of sun and heat. Using green color creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere in your home.
While each color has a specific character, there is also an influence of a combination of colors. These combinations help maintain a balance of the space while also adding an accent of a given character. A combination of blue, green, and white depicts hope, cleanliness, and calmness. This combination is perfect for most of the hospitals.
The combination of colors is chosen based on careful consideration as the combination should not overwhelm the senses. Usually, most designs use complementary colors or triads.

Accents are introduced in designs using a combination of complementary cool and warm colors. Warm colors include oranges, reds, and yellows. Cool colors include blues, greens, and purples.
Triads are colors that form a triangle on the color wheel, like yellow, blue, and red. Triads help create sharp accents. However, they must be balanced, or they can overwhelm a room. Triads help you to create the highest contrast in the colors.
Although it is useful to know the above, it is also important not to get stuck with the same. Remember the basics and yet follow your heart and choice to color your world. Sometimes bright colors will always be what makes your home comfortable to you. Other times, a mix of neutrals will bring that peace you want. Decide which colors best represent you, and enjoy the journey!!
It’s important to understand that intuition and personal judgment play a major role in color psychology. Since there’s no exact science of color psychology, following your feelings is necessary. The effects that colors can have are almost limitless. If a potential arrangement of colors in your home appeals to you, give it a try. You’ll know by your own experience what emotional and psychological effects the colors have. In the meantime, learning the basics of color is a good place to start experimenting.